TMS Aurelius 1.7 Full Source
Дата: 14.12.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 3325
What is TMS Aurelius?
I've been working with Delphi and databases for years already (actually I'm this close to say "for "decades" - in plural).
In database programming we all typically do the same: create SQL statements, execute it in the database and retrieve results back, using a TDataset descendant object which we use to iterate through data.
I guess that just like most of you who work regularly with databases, we've all used or written at some point small, medium-size "frameworks" to make these tasks a little more simple. Functions that build the SQL statement automatically based on some parameters, client datasets that build update statements, data dictionaries, etc.. In the past months though, I have switched several large projects including projects of customers to a new framework, built from the ground up
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