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Delphi: Компоненты

EurekaLog v7.3.0.0 Professional (24 September 2015)

Дата: 18.10.2015 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 1867
EurekaLog, 24-September-2015
* Added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle support
* Added: Performance counters for run-time (internal logging with --el_debug)
* Added: csoCaptureDelphiExceptions option
* Added: HKCU\Software\EurekaLab\Viewer\4.0\UI\Statuses registry key to allow status customizations in Viewer
* Added: "Disable hang detection under debugger" option
* Added "ECC32TradeSpeedForMemory" option - defaults to 0/False, could be changed to 1 via Custom/Manual tab. This option will switch from fast-methods to slower methods, but which take less memory. Use 0 (default) for small projects, use 1 for large projects (if ecc32 runs out of memory).
* Added: --el_DisableDebuggerPresent command-line option for compatibility with 3rd party debuggers (AQTime, etc.)
* Added: AQTime auto-detect
* Added: Support for token auth in Bugzilla (latest 4.x builds)
* Added: Support for API key auth in Bugzilla (5.x)
* Added: Support for /EL_DisableMemoryFilter command-line option
* Added: Asking e-mail when user switches to "details" from MS Classic without entering e-mail
* Fixed: Spawned by ecc32/emake processes now start with the same priority
* Fixed: ThreadID = 0 in StandardEurekaNotify
* Fixed: Dialog auto-close timer may reset without user input
* Fixed: Possible hang when quickly loading/unloading EurekaLog-enabled DLL
* Fixed: Possible hang in COM DLLs
* Fixed: Removed some unnecessary file system access on startup
* Fixed: Possible wrong font size in EurekaLog tools
* Fixed: Ignore timeouts from Shell_NotifyIcon
* Fixed: Possible failure to handle/process stack overflow exceptions
* Fixed: Handling of SECBUFFER_EXTRA in SSPI code
* Fixed: Several crashes in sending code for very old Delphi versions
* Fixed: Regression (from hotfix 5) crash in some IDEs
* Fixed: Wrong button caption in standalone "Steps to reproduce" dialog
* Fixed: Wrong passing of Boolean parameters in JSON (affects JIRA)
* Fixed: Wrong sorting of BugID, Count and DateTime columns in Viewer
* Fixed: Empty "Count" field/column is now displayed as "1" in Viewer
* Fixed: Generic names with "," could not be decoded in Viewer
* Fixed: Updated Windows 10 detection for latest builds of Windows 10
* Fixed: Sleep and hybernation no longer trigger false-positive "application freeze"
* Fixed: Wrong function codes for hooking (affects ISAPI application type)
* Fixed: Wrong button caption in "Steps to Reproduce" dialog
* Fixed: Crash when taking snapshot of some proccesses by Threads Snapshot tool
* Fixed: Minor improvements in leak detection
* Fixed: Performance optimizations
* Fixed: Windows 8+ App Menu shortcuts
* Fixed: Unmangling on x64
* Fixed: Compatibility issues with older Bugzilla versions (3.x)
* Fixed: Passing settings between dialogs
* Fixed: "Ask for steps to reproduce" dialog is now DPI-aware
* Fixed: Silently ignore and fix invalid values in project options
* Fixed: Confusing message in Manage tool when using with Trial/Pro
* Fixed: Range check error in processes information for x64 machines (affects startup of any EurekaLog-enabled module)
* Fixed: Auto-detect personality by project extension if --el_mode switch is missing
* Fixed: More details for diagnostic sending
* Fixed: Wrong settings for MAP files in C++ Builder
* Fixed: Wrong code page was used to decode ANSI bug reports
* Fixed: Attaching .PAS files instead of .OBJ in C++ Builder 2006+ Pro/Trial
* Fixed: Wrong float-str convertion when ThousandSeparator is '.'
* Changed: VCL/CLX/FMX now will assign Application.OnException handler when low-level hooks are disabled

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