Source Code Library v2.1.0.187 USB Edition
Дата: 2.04.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 3043

There are few things to note about the full version (aka the Flash disk / USB version):
•Windows Vista / Windows 7 Users: please do NOT choose program files as the destination folder if you install this edition
•The only difference between both editions is the ability to launch SCL from flash disk. The rest is 100% the same.
•Our build process is fully automated, so you can be sure that both editions are updated at the same frequency.
•If Source Code Library is asking you to enter a key, then you are NOT using the USB edition.
•Both editions (standard & USB version) cannot co-exist, so you need to remove the standard version before running the USB version installer.
To install the flash disk edition, please follow these simple steps and SCL should work just fine:
•Exit from Source Code Library. If Source Code Library is running in the system tray, then please do not just close its main window, but choose File --> Exit instead.
•Uninstall both editions, but keep your libraries (the uninstaller will ask you about this, but it's a good idea to make a valid backup, just in case)
Both editions cannot co-exist. The shortcut in the start menu/desktop points to the standard version, so it's normal that you're getting the "Enter Key" dialog.
•Install the USB edition (you will have to install it just once).
If you want to install it on your flash disk, just change the installer path during the setup, that's it.
Otherwise, please leave the path as it is and continue the setup.
•Launch the USB edition. The start menu/desktop shortcuts should point to usb_library.exe, please double check that this is the case indeed.
Again, the USB edition doesn't ask for a key at all. If you face this problem, it means that you launched/installed the standard version.
Все используемые на сайте статьи, файлы и логотипы компаний принадлежат их законным владельцам. Если вы являетесь правообладателем "Source Code Library v2.1.0.187 USB Edition" и не желаете, чтобы ваша информация находилась на нашем сайте, напишите нам и эта информация будет удалена.
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