TMS Scripter Studio Pro v1.7.1.0 Full Source
Дата: 25.05.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 4415

TMS Scripter Studio — набор компонентов, добавляющий гибкость и мощность в приложения с Pascal или Basic скриптами. Сделайте ваши приложения для конечного пользователя полностью настраиваемыми! Встраивая сценарии поддержки в ваши приложения, вы можете обеспечить высокую степень настраиваемости, гибкости и управления автоматизации в ваших приложениях.
Make your applications end-user customizable!
By building scripting support into your applications, you can provide a high degree of configurability, flexibility and automation control in your applications.
It allows modification of the application behaviour without needing to update the full application. Just sending a new small script file is sufficient.
End users can add totally new functionality to an application by binding application logic with COM servers through scripting.
Different end user specific rules can be put in scripts allowing to maintain a single application for different uses
And much more ...
Script Studio supports compiled scripts, making time critical script routines even faster.
Feature details
Run-time Pascal or Basic language interpreter
Cross-language scripter component allows calls to Basic scripts from Pascal scripts and vice-versa
Ability to load and run Delphi dfm forms
Access any Delphi object in scripts, including properties and methods!
Supports try..except and try..finally blocks in script
Allows reading/writing of Delphi variables and constants in script
Allows access (reading/writing) script variables from Delphi code
You can build (from Delphi code) your own classes, with properties and methods, to be used in script
Most of Delphi system procedures (conversion, date, formatting, string-manipulation) are already included (IntToStr, FormatDateTime, Copy, Delete, etc.)
You can add your own custom functions, using AddFunction method
You can save/load compiled code, so you don't need to recompile source code every time you want to execute it
Script libraries
Thread-safe scripter engine
COM support
Support for calling DLL functions
Debugging capabilities (breakpoint, step into, run to cursor, pause, halt ...)
Integration capabilities with Greatis Form Designer and Object Inspector
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Категория: Delphi » Delphi-компоненты
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