DevArt UniDAC v4.1.6 Full Source (03-Apr-2012)
Дата: 10.04.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 2431

Universal Data Access Components — многофункциональный инструмент для разработки клиент/сервер приложений на Borland Delphi и C++Builder. UniDAC предоставляет унифицированный доступ к таким известным системам управления базами данных как Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostrgeSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise и другим БД (используя ODBC провайдер).
Мощная библиотека невизуальных компонентов для межплатформенного доступа к базам данным. Программа работает с Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder и FreePascal. В ней объединяется опыт длительных успешных разработок, обеспечивающий комплексный доступ к популярным серверам баз данных, таким как Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird и PostgreSQL.
UniDAC предлагает комплексный подход к процессу разработки приложений, связанных с базами данных. Вы сможете легко переключаться между различными базами данных, не углубляясь в их специфические особенности.
UniDAC с его независимым от сервера интерфейсом — лучший способ для создания приложений межплатформенного доступа к базам данных. Программа придает вашим проектам выдающуюся гибкость и независимость.
Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) - библиотека компонентов для Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder и Lazarus (Free Pascal) для прямого подключения к базам данных Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Sybase Advantage Database Server, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise и др. (с использованием ODBC провайдера).
for Delphi 6 - XE2, BCB6
UniDAC provides transparent server-independent interfaces for working with different databases, and lets you change the client engine for a specific server type just by changing single connection option. It means that you can easily switch between database servers in your cross-database UniDAC-based application.

Update 4 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
Bug with Null values filtering in CRDBGrid is fixed
Bug with the absent CRControls10p.res file in the installation for Delphi 2006 is fixed
Bug with Data Editor in the design-time for case-sensetive Master-Detail link is fixed
Bug with hanging RAD Studio XE2 when opening ConnectDialog is fixed
Bug with AV failure at executing ApplyUpdates is fixed
Bug at working with 64-bit pointers is fixed.
Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
Oracle data provider
Code improvements for avoiding compilation warnings
Support of case sensitive objects and their methods is improved
Bug with DisconnectedMode=True and LocalFailover=True in the Direct mode is fixed
Bug with representation VarArray data types when ObjectView=True is fixed
Bug with showing INFINITY in TOraNumber fields is fixed
Bug with loading Unicode strings by TUniLoader is fixed
SQL Server data provider
Bug with getting IndexColumns metadata for SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
Bug with the query that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
MySQL data provider
Bug with processing a query with quoted column names is fixed
InterBase & Firebird data provider
Bug with cutting a string when getting metadata from system tables in Unicode mode is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
The Time(x) and the TimeStamp(x) data types support is improved
Bug with showing error messages with German locale in Delphi 7 is fixed
Bug with Out of memory in the server inside a Transaction is fixed
Big with schema names that contain "." is fixed
SQLite data provider
Bug with using parameters whose names match to reserved words is fixed
ODBC data provider
Bug with inserting, updateing and deleting data in SQLBase is fixed
How Does UniDAC Work?
UniDAC consists of two constituents. The first constituent is the general UniDAC Engine that provides unified programming interface for developers. The second constituent is the data access layer which consists of data access providers. These providers are intended for interacting between UniDAC Engine and database servers. Each data provider works with one specific database server. The general UniDAC structure is presented below:

There are two ways to install data access providers. The first way is to install the UniDAC Professional or UniDAC Trial edition. In this case all available providers are installed. The second way is to install UniDAC Engine with the UniDAC Standard edition, and required data access providers with Data Access Components such as ODAC, SDAC, MyDAC, IBDAC, and PgDAC. Each DAC installs the corresponding data access provider for UniDAC.
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