DevArt UniDac v.4.5.9 (10-Sep-2012) All Delphi+Source
Дата: 2.10.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 2605

Rad Studio XE3 is supported
Windows 8 is supported
Bug with storing empty MapRules collection in DFM is fixed
Bug with AV failure at freeing connection, for which AssignConnect was executed, is fixed
Oracle data provider
Bug with getting Raw as String is fixed
Bug with describing stored procedure parameters from a package in the Direct mode is fixed
Bug with AV at releasing temporary Lobs is fixed
InterBase & Firebird data provider
Bug with reading BLOB data when using Firebird x64 in the Interbase data provider is fixed
SQLite data provider
Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.7.13
Extended error codes support is added
Bug with memory leak when working in Direct mode is fixed
Bug with the ForceCreateDatabase option when specifying a DB name without full path is fixed
Bug with the DecryptDatabase method when setting connection for Delphi versions since Delphi 2009 is fixed
Bug with low performance when executing the UPDATE SQL-statement in DirectMode is fixed
Bug with changing DB page size (executing the sequence of instructions PRAGMA page_size + VACUUM) in DirectMode is fixed
MS Access data provider
Bug when mapping a TEXT field to ftString in Delphi versions since Delphi 2009 is fixed
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