DevArt UniDac v.4.5.10 Delphi 7 Installer
Дата: 14.12.2012 | Комментариев: 0 | Просмотров: 1515
4.5.10 07-Nov-12
Some improvements for NEXTGEN support are added

Support for ftGraphic and ftFmtMemo parameter data types is added

Informativity of messages about errors in connection is improved

Dependency of design-time packages on FMX packages is removed

Bug with data loss in pessimistic lock mode is fixed

Bug with AV failure in RefreshQuick method is fixed

Bug with renaming of fields with the same names is fixed

Bug with dependency parameters count in macros on delimeter is fixed

Bug with storing the LoginPrompt connection property is fixed

Bug with dump data from VIEW is fixed

Bug with creating columns on setting the TableName property in TDALoader is fixed

Bug with setting specific connection options in the connection editor under Lazarus is fixed

Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
Oracle data provider
Limitation on maximum 10 Oracle Homes is removed

Bug with parameter length for UTF8 databases is fixed

Bug with parameter length loaded from DFM is fixed

Bug with LargeInt calculated fields is fixed

Bug with refresh cursor with AutoClose=True is fixed

Bug with LOB fields for Oracle 8.0.5 is fixed
SQLServer data provider
The NativeClientVersion specific option to set the version of SQL Native Client provider is added

Bug with using the NEWSEQUENTIALID() default expression is fixed

Bug with inserting float values to real fields is fixed

'Range check error' when working with varbinary(max) or varchar(max) is fixed
MySQL data provider
Support of interactive connections is added

Support for binary parameters of stored procedures is added
PostgreSQL data provider
Bug when processing domain type procedure parameters is fixed

Bug with processing composite type fields is fixed

Bug with executing a stored procedure when multiple default schema names are set in the connection is fixed

Bug in the TPgQuery.BreakExec method is fixed
SQLite data provider
Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version

FTS3 and FTS4 support in the Direct mode is added
NexusDB data provider
Support of NexusDB 3.11 is added

Data Type Mapping support is added

The HeartbeatInterval, LostConnectionTimeout and WatchdogInterval options for connection is added

Bug with the filter timed out error is fixed